Recording studio consulting


Due to our expertise in room acoustics, we are often called upon to provide consulting in studios where acoustics is even more critical. One studio tech course refers to our blog as one of the best resources on bass integration, but we offer much more. We can provide an assessment of your current treatment scheme and an analysis of your acoustic challenges. More importantly, we offer a broad range of solutions.


Studios on a budget


The vast majority of studios operate on a tight budget in bedroom-sized converted spaces . We cater to most budgets with affordable solutions, with a focus on getting the most results without spending any more than necessary. We are happy to assist you in building your own DIY acoustic treatment or to advise on the suitability of commercial products.


Bass - where most get stuck


A major source of problems in the studio come from room modes not fully resolved by common bass trap schemes. We specialise in dealing with these problems and can offer affordable solutions exceeding typical performance achieved evey by those with big budgets. We start by assessing what you have currently, then advise on any improvement necessary. We can also offer advanced bass setup options.


It's not uncommon for a small studio to follow conventional free advice on the internet, yet only manage to achieve +/- 10 dB in the bass range. This is unacceptable and will result in poor mixing choices that are extremely difficult to avoid, even when one is aware of the problem. Our strategies can help you achieve as good as +/- 1.5 dB.





Are your monitors holding you back?


We also offer expertise in speaker design. We can assess your monitors and their suitability for studio work. Most small studios use mass produced near field monitors, many of them with limited bass extension. A common problem is driver variation between batches can cause the crossover to be incorrect. We can test for this and offer cost effective solutions to achieve the performance your monitors should deliver.


We can also offer custom designed studio monitors, for uncompromising accuracy.


Read more about our studio monitors >


Onsite services


We provide onsite studio acoustic consulting in Melbourne and surrounding areas. We also serve regional victoria. Bookings are available 7 days, during or outside normal business hours.


Australia wide


We offer interstate consulting for an addional fee, where travel is required to other states.


Remote consulting


We can also provide a remote consulting service. This requires the client to purchase and set up measurement equipment. We then provide our consulting through phone and email contact.




Contact us to arrange a booking >