Featured at the 2014 Melbourne Hifi show




Floorstanding constant directivity speaker


HE2 is a floorstander with high sensitivity. It is a passive two way speaker with 94 dB 1W 1m and an easy to driver 8 ohm load. HE2 is designed to work with valve amplifiers but also suits home theatre applications. In-room bass extension varies depending on the room from 25 - 50 Hz.


Superior off axis response


The audio industry has often yielded lip service to off axis response, but with HE2 this has been a key design consideration. In the directivity plot below, you can see the excellent off axis behaviour of this speaker. The near horizontal contour lines show a good approximation of constant directivity performance.


Directivity Sonogram


HE2 dispersion

How to read sonograms >


Purchase options


HE2 is now available for purchase, both as a DIY kit and as an assembled and finished product. This speaker is hand made to order here in Australia, with a choice of veneer in the finished version. Please contact us to discuss your purchase.